The Holy Land
‘Since the day that I brought my people out of the land of Egypt, I chose no city in all the tribes of Israel in which to build a house, that my name might be there, and I chose no man as prince over my people Israel; but I have chosen Jerusalem that my name may be there and I have chosen David to be over my people Israel.’’
2 Chronicles 6:5–6
Even before the pandemic, it has been my family’s plan and prayer to visit Israel especially Jerusalem. For Christians like us, Jerusalem is very special and close to our hearts not only because of its rich culture, historical background, iconic architectural sites, gastrological delights and very good people but moreover; it is where Jesus walked and performed most of His miracles. For us, it is not enough that we only see Jerusalem on television during Holy Week. As a family, we want to experience Jerusalem and see right before our eyes where Jesus was baptized, where He was crucified, where He was stoned to death, where He walked carrying that cross out of His love for me, for my family and for yours.
Another reason why we want to visit Israel is to remind ourselves that there is greater, unshakeable, more powerful and unchangeable being than CoVid-19. It is no fact that CoVid-19 changed a lot in the world — it changed the way we see education, the way we think of ourselves and the way we see life in general. We have been consumed with so much uncertainty, worries and doubts about our future. And for my family, paying a visit at Israel would serve as a reminder that once in human history, there is someone who gave His life to save humanity and I believe that He can do it again just like what is written on the Bible that He is the same yesterday, today and forevermore. He conquered death for us to be resurrected and be clothed with a new image and going to Israel I think is one of the best experiences that would remind us of this victorious work of Christ.
For others, maybe the best place to visit after the pandemic is the one that offers them extreme rides or maybe the one that offers the best beaches and resorts or maybe for some, it’s the place that is packed with adventure or music. But as for me and my family, the best place now to go is Israel — to remind us that God works in ways we could not understand, that God is not limited by death nor by disease, that God fulfills His promises of healing and deliverance even in the silence of miracles.
And to assure that everything has been packed and ready for our trip in Israel, I prepared a checklist of the items that our family should be bringing. Of course, on top of the list, we have our clothes good for 7 days ranging from basic clothing to casual, dressy, footwear, outerwear and just some accessories. To ensure proper hygiene, we will be bringing with us too our soaps, shampoo, comb, deodorant, toothbrush, toothpaste, tissue, medicine, nail cutter, perfume, razor and just a few of our styling products. Of course, we should not forget our travel documents, without our itinerary, passports, birth certificates, boarding passes etc., it will be extra difficult for us to prove our identities and may even cause delays on flight. Furthermore, we should not be forgetting our funds and so, we are bringing with us our credit and debit cards along with a bond of some Israeli Shekel — well, just in case we have emergencies. Most importantly, we will never leave our gadgets behind. They serve as tool for communication in case something wrong happens. They’re great source of entertainment too while waiting for our parents finish their conversation with other passengers. We will be having little snacks too in addition to extra bags, plastic containers and a first aid kit.
To end this, our soon to be journey at Israel will surely make us celebrate life and celebrate Jesus’ works on the cross. So, whosoever reading this right now, may the Lord bless you and keep you and may He make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; May the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.