Soon to be a Protégé (Blog Entry №02)
When I am still a child, I do not have yet that consistent dream or ambition I want to achieve in life. When I am in Grade 1, I want to be a teacher and when I am in Grade 2, I want to be a dancer, and in the succeeding years, I want to be a singer then a chef then a child star for Going Bulilit. Well, I guess that’s pretty normal for a child. You know the curiosity of trying something new and being or imitating someone is what makes every child special. My vision of myself of becoming a journalist only came when I am in Grade 5 when my teacher commended my article about my mother describing her not as a friend but as a punisher. Oh yeah, that was before. I see my mother as a goddess now. Oh enough for that. So yes, my teacher then gave me the slot for Feature Writing for that year’s Division Schools Press Conference and the rest is history.
Since then, my love for writing and for journalism has given me a purpose to continually be on the journey of becoming excellent and since then, I have declared that I am destined for greatness through the narratives and stories I write for my readers. I graduated from Elementary as one of the Journalists of the year and continued the same career when I entered High School. My journalism career in High School was very colorful. I was a Staff Writer for two years and then became the Feature and Literary Editor when I am in the 9th Grade because I won both in DSPC and RSPC that has given me ticket for NSPC thus promoting me from staff position to one of the head editors of our school publication. And finally, when I am in Grade 11 I was appointed already by our School Paper adviser as the Editor-in-Chief and that is something I will always be proud of. At least, I can say that others also see my capability and passion to pursue writing and use it as voice for my community who is longing for freedom and justice.
With these years of experience in Campus Journalism, now I can say that at least I am skilled in Fact-Checking, Journalistic Writing, Proofreading, Technical and Academic Writing, Team Leading, Broadcasting, Lay-outing, Researching, and Collaborative Working/Publishing. My skill level for these strengths varies. I see myself as more capable, productive, more efficient and more preferred by people when I am into writing and proofreading and probably less skilled in other areas. And on the next weeks to come, we will already be immersed in the real field of Media and Journalism as we go on with our Exposure Training to the nearest stations we have here in our province.
And now, I am expecting that after that experience I will be more equipped not only with the knowledge and principles a Media person should know but also on the technical aspects of the said field. I also expect that through this Exposure Training, my misconceptions and false beliefs on how media operates will be addressed despite the limitations we have now in our learning.