“Do what scares you until it doesn’t”
Known for her media eloquence and entrepreneurial footprints, Hanna Therese Jimeno is a well-acclaimed news anchor and businesswoman who resides in Sta. Cruz, Ilocos Sur. At present, she is known as a News Anchor at DZTP/Tirad Pass Network located at Barangay San Nicolas, Candon City, Ilocos Sur and at the same time the business owner of Whiskeey’s Diner, a popular snack house that has set the barometer of food trends in the city. In addition to that, Ms. Jimeno was also a former Radio Disk Jockey at Love Radio and had also stints at the City of Dreams Manila as a Casino Dealer.
However, achieving all these positions was never an easy stroll. She graduated with the degree in Bachelor of Arts in Communication at Saint Louis University in 2016. Back then, she considers herself as an average type of student. “Well, I am not really into academic competition. I enjoyed what I am studying but you know what, when I am still at SLU, I surrounded myself with positive people, with people that can help me with my studies that never treated me as a competitor but as a friend” she said.
“I can still remember the times where I struggle so much in writing hard stories because honestly, writing is not my comfort zone. I am more into the speaking asset of communication, but you know what, I am so grateful because I had friends who helped me survive our writing activities” she added.
Little did people know that even before she entered college, she was challenged already on her decisions. Her parents wanted her to be a lawyer due to the financial stability she will be getting after becoming one, thus encouraging her ever since to take the Political Science program but she knew well that her heart belongs to media. It was a tough battle then between practicality and passion. “Actually, my parents did not know that I enrolled in the BA Communication program. I enrolled without their knowledge and the time they found that I am into this program (BA Communication), they were so frustrated with me, but I fought for it — I fought because I can see myself becoming one of the people on-screen someday” she said.
“Well, when I want something, I always do everything as long as it is legal just to achieve it. You know what, when I was still a child even though I do not join journalism competitions back then, I can visualize myself already working as a persona of media and what’s funny is that I see myself as a celebrity more than a broadcast journalist” she added.
As a media and communication practitioner, she strongly believes that media’s primary commitment is to the people and that the role of journalism is to present people the truth, believing that only such is the way for us to attain absolute freedom however, she also testifies that press freedom and manipulation are still high concerns in the country.
“Actually, I cannot deny that I have witnessed too how media was manipulated for someone’s gain. Personally, I have not experienced it yet where someone bribes me just to make stories that would solidify their public image or character, but I know a lot who have been into similar possible situations” she said. “But personally, if such happens, I will always stay in my principle and would always remind myself that I am a promoter of honest journalism and that we are the watchdogs of this society. We are made to serve truth” she stated.
In addition, just like a normal person Ms. Jimeno also believes that life is not always rainbows and butterflies. Before, she also dealt with rejections and hasty generalizations. “I have also tried applying for other jobs that suit my interests and skills. It may sound new for others but honestly, I tried applying as a Flight Attendant too but of course, height matters and so, my application was declined” she said. “And even before I started establishing my business, even the moment I presented the concept with people, I was judged already. Some say that I am too young and for them, opening and operating one requires years of experience and knowledge considering even that I am not a Business degree graduate” she added.
But she did not give up. She proved to many that going out of your comfort zone, defying societal norms, and doing what scares you are essentials to be a successful entrepreneur.
Ms. Jimeno said, “Well, it is really fine to face rejection sometimes. What matters is how you handle it. In my case, I did cry but I did not let those situations consume me or hinder what I really want to do. I did what scared me. At the end of the day, you have complete control over how you will manage it. But for me, mental health is my priority. Rejection might be caused by others but do know that it is always an internal fight. It is a fight of ‘you’ versus ‘you’”.
She also has her fears. “One of my fears really is me losing my family. Even though they do not agree sometimes on my decisions, I can still see and feel that they are always at my back cheering and waiting for my success. In times of rejection and approval, it is them who never went out of the picture. I love them, and I cannot afford losing them”.
And when things become so difficult, she always reminds herself of the great plans God prepared for her. Yes, absolutely she is a Christian too! She loves praising and worshiping God at times where everything seems so complex, unorganized, and unmanageable. The radiance and the glory of Christ are also reflected in her bubbly character. No wonder, she is favored and blessed beyond measures. “And whenever I face uncertainties, doubts, worries, or even fears, what I always do is to remind myself the reason why I started all these things, and it is on the Bible. It says, don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, and in purity” she boldly stated.
Ms. Jimeno is also a cooking enthusiast who considers the kitchen as an extension of her soul that paved her way to establish a Diner. It is a safe space where she can explore and experiment with things that give her a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment. When she is too overwhelmed by the noise of media, her kitchen is ready to lend her a soft ground. In addition to that, she loves advertising her and others’ businesses — one of the gazillion reasons why many people adore her personality. Her personality is a breath of fresh air. Ms. Jimeno in general is a person defined by creativity, stamina, grit, and grace.
Ms. Jimeno’s success in the field of media, entrepreneurship, and self-development proves to us that uncertainty is only for those who are weak in their dreams. Her existence indicates that age is just a figure in a resume — never an indicator of potential. Her journey awakens us to a realization that there is no substitute for prayer, hard work, and vision.
Ms. Jimeno’s vibrancy might be blinding to many but at least, she is a reminder that the beauty of victory is not defined by the number of failures or critics we have — instead, it is hidden on how willing we are to be damaged and broken in the name of excellence, passion, and service. She’s Hanna Therese Jimeno and her testimony is what makes her a champion of her generation.
Like what she always says, “Do what scares you until it doesn’t”.